Color Palette


unlock your radiance

Color Palette Analysis

Ever wondered what colors truly make you shine? Our in-person color palette analysis service at Colorfully Confident is designed to unlock the answer, guiding you toward a personalized palette that flatters your unique features and boosts your confidence

your color consultation

What is my seasonal color palette?

Seasonal color analysis is a powerful tool that categorizes individuals into one of four “seasons” based on their natural coloring: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. Each season has its own distinct color palette, and understanding your home season helps you identify the colors that naturally harmonize with your skin’s undertone.

discover your colors

Our Step-by-Step Process

Step One

Unveiling Your Undertone

We begin by identifying whether you have a warm (yellow) or cool (blue) undertone. This crucial first step forms the foundation for building your personalized color palette.

Step Two

The Power of Color Draping

Get ready for a transformative experience! We’ll use a variety of colored drapes strategically placed against your face to analyze how each color interacts with your unique coloring. Witness firsthand how the right colors can enhance your features, while the wrong ones can create shadows and make you appear tired or washed out.

Step Three

Discovering Your Home Season

Through the process of color draping, we’ll explore the color palettes associated with each season (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter) and analyze their impact on your overall appearance.  This step helps us pinpoint your home season – the color group that naturally complements your natural coloring.

Step Four

Refining Your Palette

We understand that some individuals fall somewhere in between two seasons.  To ensure your personalized palette offers the most flattering options, we’ll explore colors that bridge the gap between potential home seasons, giving you a wider range of colors to choose from with confidence.

beyond skin deep

Determining Factors

Our experienced color analyst goes beyond simply looking at skin tone.  We consider a variety of factors to ensure an accurate analysis:

The Whites of Your


The color of the whites of your eyes can subtly influence how colors interact with your face.



Similar to the whites of your eyes, your natural tooth color plays a role in how certain colors appear next to your face.



Your natural lip color can be a valuable clue in determining your undertone and overall color harmony.

The Effect of the


We pay close attention to how each color drape affects the shadows under your chin and eyes, as well as the way it defines the lines of your face. The right colors will soften these shadows and lines, while the wrong ones can accentuate them.

uncover your inner radiance

Personal Color Palettes

Your color analysis will give you a personal color palette that is tailored specifically for you. Your palette will include a variety of flattering colors that you can use to build a wardrobe that makes you look and feel your best. You’ll also receive guidance on makeup colors, hair color recommendations, and tips for choosing flattering accessories.

let your confidence shine

Invest in Yourself

Our in-person color analysis is an investment in your confidence and sense of self. Imagine stepping out the door feeling radiant and poised, knowing that the colors you wear perfectly complement your unique beauty.

Can't meet in-person?

Schedule a virtual
Color Analysis!

Still not sure Color Analysis is right for you?

Consider this...

The Wrong Colors Can Drain Your Energy

Ever feel tired, dull, or even sick after putting on an outfit? The wrong colors can have a negative impact on how you perceive yourself and how others perceive you.

Color Can Boost Your Mood

Wearing colors that flatter you can elevate your mood and make you feel more positive and energized throughout the day.

First Impressions Matter

Whether you're interviewing for a new job, meeting a potential client, or attending a networking event, you only get one chance to make a first impression. Let your color choices work for you!

Ready to shed the “wrong colors” and step into the world with
confidence & professionalism?

Take the first step towards unlocking your color story and unleashing your inner confidence. Contact Colorfully Confident today to schedule your personalized color analysis consultation in person or virtually. 

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