
Color Analysis

color consultation online

Can’t make it to the studio for an in-person consultation? No problem!

Colorfully Confident offers a convenient and effective virtual color analysis option that allows you to discover your perfect color palette from the comfort of your own home or office. Here’s how our step-by-step process empowers you to unlock the colors that make you shine

discover your colors

Our Step-by-Step Analysis Process

Step One

Capturing Your Unique Coloring

Your journey begins when you submit high-quality photos taken in natural daylight and following our specific guidelines from your confirmation email. These photos allow Lauryl, our expert color analyst, to meticulously assess your coloring, considering not just your skin tone but also the subtle nuances of your undertones.

Step Two

Unveiling Your Undertone

Through a virtual “draping” process we can virtually drape color swatches against your digital image. This helps us identify whether you have a warm or cool undertone. Knowing your undertone is crucial, as it forms the foundation for building your personalized color palette. 

Step Three

Discovering Your Home Season

Next, we delve deeper into the world of seasonal color analysis. Using virtual drapes, we will explore colors associated with each season (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter) and analyze their impact on your overall appearance. This step helps us identify your “home season” – the color group that naturally complements your unique coloring. 

Step Four

Refining Your Palette

Your journey doesn’t end there! We understand that individuals often fall within a spectrum, so we go deeper than your season and take your virtual analysis a step further. We explore colors that bridge the gap between two potential home seasons to ensure your personalized palette offers as many flattering options to choose from as possible. 

our unique process

Why Choose Colorfully Confident?

Convenience &

Get your color analysis done from anywhere, at any time.

Expert Guidance

Our color analyst brings her expertise and keen eye for color to your virtual session, ensuring a personalized and accurate analysis.

Beyond the Drapes

We go beyond traditional methods that solely rely on physical drapes, considering the subtleties of your coloring and undertones for a more precise palette.

color consultation online

Detailed Results

You’ll receive a comprehensive digital color analysis report outlining your personalized color palette, including specific color swatches, along with guidance on makeup colors, hair color recommendations, and tips for building a wardrobe that flatters your unique beauty. In addition to your detailed report, you will receive a book of materials in your colors to keep in your pocket or purse so you are never without it!

uniquely empowered

Invest in Your Confidence

Our virtual color analysis isn’t just about finding flattering colors; it’s about empowering you to feel your most confident self. The right colors can make a remarkable difference, bringing your features to life, enhancing your natural beauty, and radiating a sense of vibrancy and professionalism.  

Can't meet virtually?

Schedule an in-person
Color Analysis!

Still not sure Color Analysis is right for you?

Consider this...

The Wrong Colors Can Drain Your Energy

Ever feel tired, dull, or even sick after putting on an outfit? The wrong colors can have a negative impact on how you perceive yourself and how others perceive you.

Color Can Boost Your Mood

Wearing colors that flatter you can elevate your mood and make you feel more positive and energized throughout the day.

First Impressions Matter

Whether you're interviewing for a new job, meeting a potential client, or attending a networking event, you only get one chance to make a first impression. Let your color choices work for you!

Ready to shed the “wrong colors” and step into a world with confidence & professionalism?

Take the first step towards unlocking your color story and unleashing your inner confidence. Contact Colorfully Confident today to schedule your personalized color analysis consultation in person or virtually. 

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